POTR Pot Assembly

Your Flat Pack POTR
Woo you have a POTR, now let's get planting!

Unfold your packaging
You'll find handy picture instructions inside.

Remove from packaging
Your POTR Pot will be neatly folded with the cord and stand attached.

Remove cord bundle
Place the cord bundle to one side for later.

Tear off the stand
Give the stand a firm pull to snap it from the pot. Place to one side.

Unfold your pot
Unfold and lay flat. Some of the folded lines may need some time to relax!

Pre-Fold Origami Lines
With the POTR logo facing towards you, fold along each of the 8 fold paths to crease the origami pattern. Make sure to fold away from you.

Insert tab through slot
To begin assembly, slide a tab through the corresponding slot until the holes align. You may need to give some of the fold lines a crease at this stage.

Thread cord to lock
Using the cord with the metal tip, thread this through the tab from the inside of the pot and pull out. This will lock the tab in place.

Thread and repeat
Join each of the folding arms by slotting the tab and then threading the cord. The cord should thread in and out as you progress around the rim.

Tie a knot
Once you've threaded around the rim, tie a small knot on the inside to take up any slack.

Origami complete
Your pot should now be assembled with each tab locked in place.

Squeeze the stand
To ensure a round profile on your pot stand, fold each of the vertical lines and squeeze it into shape.

Adjust the stand
You can modify the diameter of the pot stand to suit whichever pot your plant is potted in.

The wicking cord
Next, take the second length of cord and run it under a tap to wet it (this is needed to prime the watering system). Then, place one end under the scallop on the pot stand.

Place in pot base
Place the stand and cord in the base of your POTR Pots.

Add your potted plant
Add your potted plant into your POTR Pot but keep the end of your wicking cord free.

Engage the wick
Use a sharp object (such as a pencil) to drive the end of the cord into the soil surrounding your plant.

Your wick is ready
All that's left to do now is add water the reservoir. Remember, make sure your wicking cord is already wet!

Fill up the reservoir
Pour water between your POTR and the nursery pot to fill the reservoir.

Fill to the top of the water mark.
Watch the water line as you add water. Do not fill past the top of the circular water level indicator.

Your POTR is complete!
Keep an eye on the water level indicator so you know when to top the reservoir up. Happy planting!